Unleash Your Inner
Star with Karaokefy

Create, Share, sing your favorite songs
with your friends and Enjoy Karaoke
Like Never Before

How it works

Discover some of the key features of Karaokefy.


Create Account

Create your account and use Karaokefy. When you create an account, you receive 1000 Beats

(currency used to create your karaoke), allowing you to test it and see how it works.

Upload your song and lyrics then await the synchronize process

Karaokefy uses a method to separate the vocals from the instrumental.

and then it synchronizes the vocals with the lyrics of the song, creating your own karaoke in this way

Export your karaoke video for share with your friends

Being able to export your karaoke video to share on all streaming platforms,

Karaokefy gives you export options with the best qualities. You can also download each part of your karaoke separately for personal use.


The most creative way to enhance your karaoke experience.

Stay informed about all our features.

Separate audio and vocals of your song with the most quality.

Karaokefy separates the instrumental from the vocals of your audio with the best quality, allowing you to export them separately for personal use.

Synchronize lyrics with the audio of you song.(BETA)

We automatically synchronize the lyrics with the audio, requiring only a few adjustments if necessary, giving you the option to edit your entire lyrics.

Edit your lyrics and improve your karaoke experience.

Karaokefy gives you the option to edit your lyrics however you want, at any time, whether it's before or after the separation.

Export your Karaoke video to upload on streamings apps

Export your videos in the best qualities from 720p to 2160p (4K), ensuring you have the finest quality and service if you wish to share your karaoke with a friend or on streaming platforms.


Edit Your Karaoke Anywhere Any time

With Karaokefy, you can create, edit, and export the karaoke of your favorite song and your favorite artist from anywhere. Take advantage and come sing with us.


Frequently Asked And Question.

Discover the most frequently asked questions about Karaokefy, and why you should use Karaokefy to create your own karaoke.


Useful Links

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